Youth Ministry Lesson on Psalm 36:5-11: Unshakeable Faith

As teenagers navigating the complexities of life, it’s crucial to cultivate a deep and meaningful faith that provides strength, guidance, and hope. The passage in Psalm 36:5-11 offers profound insights and encouragement for teenagers as they seek to grow in their faith and understanding of God’s character. Bible Reading: Psalm 36:5-7 Explanation: Youth Group Discussion Questions: Bible Reading: Psalm 36:8-9 Explanation: Youth Group Discussion Questions: Bible Reading: Psalm 36:10-11 Explanation: Youth Group Discussion Questions: Youth Group Game: “Character Scavenger Hunt” In this game, split the group into teams and provide a list of character traits mentioned in Psalm 36:5-11. Each team must find individuals in the church who exemplify these traits and take a photo with them. The team with … Read more