Youth Ministry Lesson on Mark 8:31-38: Embracing the Cost of Discipleship

As a youth ministry in a small Bible-believing church, it’s crucial for us to guide our teenagers through the journey of faith with relevance and authenticity. The passage in Mark 8:31-38 is especially important for teenagers as it addresses the very essence of following Christ and the challenges that come with it. This topic is relevant to teenagers as they navigate their faith in a world full of distractions and competing ideologies. It’s an opportunity to engage them in a discussion about the real cost of discipleship and what it means to truly follow Jesus. Bible Reading: Mark 8:31-33 (NIV) “He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the … Read more

Youth Group Lesson: The Power of Forgiveness John 20:19-23

As teenagers, it’s easy to hold on to grudges and let bitterness take root in our hearts. But as followers of Jesus, we are called to a higher standard – forgiveness. In John 20:19-23, we see Jesus appearing to His disciples after His resurrection and commissioning them to go out and forgive others just as He has forgiven them. This is an important topic for teenagers to grow their faith because forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian life. When we forgive others, we reflect God’s love and mercy, and experience the freedom that comes from letting go of resentment and anger. Bible Reading: John 20:19-23 19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the … Read more