Building Healthy Relationships: Loving Others as Yourself Matthew 22:39

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As teenagers, we’re constantly navigating relationships—with friends, family, peers, and romantic interests. These relationships play a significant role in shaping who we are and how we view the world. In Matthew 22:39, Jesus instructs us to love our neighbors as ourselves, highlighting the importance of building healthy and loving relationships. Let’s explore why fostering healthy relationships is crucial for teenagers and how we can apply this principle in our lives.

Bible Readings

Matthew 22:39 (NIV)

“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

Explanation For Teenagers

  • Love your neighbor: Jesus summarizes the essence of the second greatest commandment as loving others as ourselves. This love goes beyond mere feelings; it encompasses actions that seek the well-being and flourishing of those around us.
  • As yourself: Loving others starts with a healthy love for ourselves. This doesn’t mean self-centeredness or selfishness but a balanced self-love that recognizes our worth and treats ourselves with kindness and respect.

Youth Group Discussion Questions

  1. What does it mean to “love your neighbor as yourself”?
  2. Why is it important to have healthy relationships as teenagers?
  3. What are some common challenges teenagers face in building healthy relationships?
  4. How can we show love and kindness to others, even when it’s difficult?
  5. Share a time when someone showed you love or kindness. How did it impact you?

Youth Group Game: “Empathy Relay”

Objective: To cultivate empathy and understanding for others’ perspectives.


  1. Divide the group into teams of 3-4.
  2. Each team is given a scenario involving a relational conflict or challenge (e.g., a disagreement with a friend, a sibling rivalry).
  3. One person from each team starts by sharing how they would feel and react in that situation.
  4. The next team member takes on the role of the other person involved in the scenario and shares their perspective.
  5. Continue this relay-style sharing, with each team member taking turns empathizing with different viewpoints until both perspectives are fully explored.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of relationships, through which we can experience love, support, and growth. Help us to love others as ourselves, showing kindness, empathy, and grace in our interactions. Teach us to value and cherish the people around us, recognizing their worth and treating them with respect. May our relationships reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


As we conclude today’s lesson, let’s remember that building healthy relationships is a journey that requires intentionality, empathy, and grace. In Matthew 22:39, Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves, challenging us to prioritize love and kindness in all our interactions. So let’s commit to cultivating healthy relationships, knowing that by loving others well, we not only honor God but also contribute to a world filled with compassion and understanding.

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