Seeking God’s Kingdom First: A Sunday School Lesson for Teenagers Matthew 6:25-34

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In the whirlwind of teenage life, it’s easy to get swept up in the chaos of school, relationships, and social media. But amidst all the noise, Jesus offers us a timeless principle that can anchor our hearts and guide our steps: “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33, NIV). This verse isn’t just a platitude—it’s a powerful invitation to center our lives around what truly matters: God’s kingdom.

As teenagers, you’re at a pivotal point in your faith journey, where you’re starting to make more independent decisions about your beliefs, priorities, and values. Matthew 6:33 challenges you to ask yourself: What am I seeking first in my life? Is it popularity, success, or acceptance? Or am I actively pursuing God’s kingdom and his righteousness above all else?

Bible Readings and Explanation

Reading 1: Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)


  • Jesus addresses worry, urging his followers not to be anxious about their lives.
  • He points to the birds and flowers as evidence of God’s provision and care.
  • Jesus emphasizes the futility of worrying about material needs, contrasting it with the importance of seeking God’s kingdom first.

Youth Group Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common worries or anxieties that teenagers face today?
  2. How does Jesus’ example of the birds and flowers reassure us of God’s care?
  3. Why do you think Jesus emphasizes seeking God’s kingdom first?

Reading 2: Matthew 6:19-24 (NIV)


  • Jesus warns against storing up treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy.
  • He emphasizes the connection between our treasure and our heart’s focus.
  • Jesus concludes by stating that we cannot serve both God and money.

Youth Group Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some “treasures” that teenagers often chase after?
  2. How does focusing on earthly treasures distract us from seeking God’s kingdom?
  3. What does it mean to serve God rather than money in the context of teenage life?

Youth Group Game: “Kingdom Treasure Hunt”

Objective: To reinforce the concept of seeking God’s kingdom first.


  1. Divide into teams, assigning each team a list of “kingdom treasures” to find.
  2. Kingdom treasures can be things like praying for someone, sharing a Bible verse with a friend, or serving someone in need.
  3. Set a time limit for the hunt and reconvene to share stories of how each team found and pursued kingdom treasures.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for reminding us of the importance of seeking your kingdom above all else. Help us to align our hearts with your will and to trust in your provision for our lives. May we prioritize your kingdom in all that we do, knowing that as we seek you first, everything else will fall into place. In Jesus’ name, amen.

As you go forth this week, remember to seek God’s kingdom first in every aspect of your life. Let His love and guidance be your compass as you navigate the challenges and joys of teenagehood.

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